The museum is organising a march from Niederolang to the Mansio Sebatum Museum in St. Lorenzen in collaboration with “Legio VI Ferrata” and the “Draco Audax” association. Around 25 people will take part in Roman and medieval costumes. Start in Niederolang at 10 am. Arrival in St. Lorenzen is planned for 2.30 pm.
At 5 pm there will be a presentation in Italian on the following subject: “gentes per / intra viam” “Peoples and Cultural Contacts” along the Roman road. An analysis of the ancient road network using Alpine testimonies. Speakers: Max Berger from Legio VI Ferrata, Dario Ceppatelli, manager of the Archeodromo di Siena and member of the Curtis Winigia association, Maria Mascher from Bolzano from the Ulrich von Starkenberg association. Admission is free of charge.
On this occasion there will also be free entry to the museum from 10 – 12 on the following Sunday. Some of the participants in the march will also be there in their historic costumes.